Friday, June 08, 2012

Pass The Knitting Needles

Two gadgets that I have in this house have saved my sanity more times than I can count.  Between the DVR and TV remote/s, I am able to ignore commercials that I find particularly annoying.  And anyone who knows me, knows that when I'm annoyed by a commercial, I'm REALLY annoyed.  Right now, the most annoying commercial I know is for the Honda Pilot--and every time it comes on I want to run away from home while stabbing my eardrums with knitting needles.  And I will now share it with you:

Not only is the 'music' annoying, I want to know just who the hell is the black kid?  Sorry, Honda, but I definitely have to pass on EVER considering buying your product.  But then, we 'buy American,' so it is kind of a moot point.  ;)


  1. That is SUCH an annoying commercial! It drives me crazy too!

  2. I finally looked up the song--Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne--and cannot believe how horribly this commercial wrecks it! Now I'm not only annoyed, I'm appalled. ;)

  3. I hate having to sit watching the Stanley Cup finals with the remote in my hand just so I can hit "PREV" when that commercial comes on. Forget the knitting needles, I want to stab myself in the eyeballs with a fork - it's a much more pleasant experience than enduring that commercial.

  4. Between the annoying commercials and the HORRIBLE NBC announcers, I have worn the mute button of my remote completely down while watching hockey games! I just cringe whenever the hockey schedule comes out and I have to see how many times I have to endure those idiots.



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...