Sunday, June 06, 2004


Is anyone else as tired of hearing about Jennifer Lopez, as I am? Hasn't she gone way beyond her 15 minutes, already?

Talked to C. yesterday. She is at 35 weeks and the baby is over six pounds. I must correct something I wrote earlier: she is now tied for her longest pregnancy. Her second one went 35 weeks. Anyway, it will be very different for her to FINALLY have a normal-sized baby--her first one!

The chipmunks are about to meet their maker: they dug up one of K.'s tomato plants while trying to bury sunflower seeds. To say he was not pleased, is an understatement. He is ready to become a chipmunk killer.

The birds haven't been at the feeders very much lately. Don't know if it is because of all the rain, or not. Haven't seen the cardinals, indigo bunting, or even the ducks for several days. Guess I'll go out and clean the feeders and put new seed--they might be getting fussy!

The dining room air conditioner was put in yesterday. They are predicting temps in the high 70's, maybe even low 80's this week. Looks like summer may very well be here.

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Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...