Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pointless Wondering

I ordered something for my girls and myself for Christmas. Of course, I get to use MY gift before they even open theirs, but whatever. The gift I got us is called a Droodle. It is a notepad that can be used in wet/damp situations--like in the shower.

I have ALWAYS had great and wonderful thoughts while showering--change the world type of things--but have always forgotten them by the time I got where I could write them down. My mind wanders so much when I do things unconsciously--LIKE showering--that I needed something in which to write down these fantastically wonderful thoughts. And so I bought myself a Droodle. And it wasn't too soon, because I had a great thought last night.

The indigenous people of the US are called Native Americans. WHAT do they call the indigenous people of Canada? Are they also called Native Americans?

Now, after reading that, aren't you THRILLED that I can write down my every thought while showering? :D

(Seriously, though--are the Canadian indigenous people called Native Americans, too? I REALLY want to know!)


  1. Technically Canadians are Americans too...

    But to remind them of this fact is highly rude and will piss off a Cannuck in a heartbeat.

    The main reason I do it quite often...

    (Oh, and so are Mexicans... All three countries are in North America, but I know you already knew that)

  2. And you REALLY piss off a French Canadian by letting them know they ARE part of the world. They think they are so above the rest of us peons, don't you know.

    So, I guess the answer to my question is that they are called Native Americans in Canada, too...just wasn't too sure--you know how those Canadians are, with not wanting to be like the US and all. ;)

  3. But they're so damn polite!

  4. OMG. OMG. OMG.

    I MUST have a Droodle!!

  5. Aren't they GREAT!!!!! I LOVE having a Droodle! :)

  6. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I really want one of those pens that have a light, so you can write in the dark. (I've found what I want, just haven't gotten around to ordering it). I want one because my ideas come to me when my head hits the pillow at night and I don't want to turn on the light to write it down.

  7. Those are cool, too. But I don't get as many ideas when I'm about to sleep. THAT is when I obsess! ;)



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...