Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Have You Been Squished?

Today I went for my annual boob squish. Now, I know it has only been about six months since my last one, but the doctor wants me back on my 'normal' schedule, so squish happened. Today brought my total of times I had to have this procedure done to four for the past year--such fun.

I was pleasantly surprised by how fast everything went. The hospital just got a new digital imaging set-up, so the entire procedure took half the time. And that is always a good thing. However, my skin WAS stretched to beyond the breaking point--I will be shocked if my entire chest ISN'T bruised in the morning. But, everything looked fine--at least at first glance--so I shouldn't be getting 'the call' like I did last year. And, I won't need to have this done for another year. Thank goodness.

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