Yesterday, I received the keyboard and mouse for our new desktop. I don't HAVE the desktop, yet, but I have the mouse and keyboard. I love the way things don't get delivered together. However, it could have been much worse: I could have gotten the desktop BEFORE the keyboard and mouse. ;)
Today I got an email saying that the desktop and monitor have been shipped. They are supposed to get here on Tuesday. This is much earlier than I was expecting. Before I put the order through, the preliminary shipping date was in February. Then it was 25 January when the order went through, but was changed to 27 January--until today. I don't ask questions, even though I don't understand this. The laptop is still scheduled to ship on the 19th, but that is subject to change, also. I have some work to do before I can make the switch to the new computers, but I should have the time to do that over the weekend. It will be nice to get it all taken care of, so I can start learning how to use the new operating system. The excitement is mounting! ;)
UPDATE: Got an email from Dell saying that BOTH computers will be here on Tuesday. But, as The Husband said, "Believe it when we see it." ;)
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Sending the keyboard and mouse without receiving the desktop is SUCH a torturous TEASE!!!
ReplyDeleteI put it IMMEDIATELY in the sewing room--out of sight, out of mind. :D