Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I MUST know how this happened. 

The bathroom is located in the middle of the first floor of our house.  It has no windows, but does have a ceiling fan that is ducted through the attic to the outside.  I just went to use the facility, lifted the lid and there, floating and drowning in the water, was a big-ass bumblebee.  Where the hell did it come from?  It wasn't anywhere that I saw when I was in the bathroom an hour earlier.  I haven't been out of the house, so the doors weren't open for it to fly in.  We have screens on the two windows I have open.  So, again I ask:  Where the hell did it come from?

And my panic attacks shall start NOW!


  1. OMG. That IS odd! Feel free to commence panicking!

  2. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Sounds like it somehow got through the ceiling fan!

    Good thing you saw it before you sat down, you might have gotten a nasty surprise.

  3. I SWEAR I am a magnet for strange things involving stinging insects. No one can understand how this stuff keeps happening to me.

    And yes, it probably got through the fan--and I have told K that he IS changing the damn thing out now that he's on long weekend. ;)



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...