Saturday, November 19, 2005

Feeling Dumb

While I ALWAYS have fun taking the Quiz of the Day over at mental_floss, there just are some days I feel soooooo dumb. Today is one of those days: I only got one question right and THAT one I guessed at! Oh, well, they always have an interesting Fact of the Day to read.


  1. Can I tell you what I got without sounding like I'm gloating? Most difficult, because I'm soooo not an electronics person :)

  2. Oh, please, do tell! And I won't think you're gloating. :)

  3. I'm only excited because I can't believe I got them! 4 outta 5!!! I guess on 2 of them, though... Thanks for letting me feel smart today! Hey, you ever do that "Word Power" that's in Reader's Digest?"

  4. If you go back to mental_floss every day, you will have MANY chances to prove how smart you are. There have actually been some of the quizzes where I have gotten the questions all right--because I have known the answers! :) Congrats on doing so well on today's quiz! And yes, I have done the Word Power--some of them can be real bitches, hey? I usually don't do TOO badly because I am such a voracious reader, but there are other times...... :)



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...