Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl

So, today is the Super Bowl. Big freakin' whoop! I dislike football--I REALLY dislike football. Always have. And I have tried to like it. In high school I had the then-boyfriend explain the game to me and I tried to like it for his sake--DID NOT HAPPEN. This means I have to try and find something to do that has no connection to football--kind of hard on Super Bowl Sunday.

Last night I watched Grizzly Man, the documentary about Timothy Treadwell. Treadwell lived in the Alaskan wilderness for 13 summers "studying" the grizzly bear in very close contact and finally got killed and eaten by one--as was his girlfriend Amie Huguenard. Quite a fascinating movie but extremely disturbing at the same time. While the tape of them being killed was not aired, the attack and their deaths were explained in excruciating detail. It definitely was well worth the 3 hours to watch. (I watched it on the Discovery Channel, so there were commercials.) I have very mixed feelings about whether he was good or bad for the grizzlies--he definitely didn't limit contact with the wildlife as scientists would, so that wasn't a good thing. He was a disturbed individual on many levels.

Tomorrow it looks as if we are taking a road trip--only for the day, though. I don't really mind a day-run except for the fact it takes me a week to get back on track afterwards! So much we do in so little time on one of these short trips. Oh, well, you gotta do what you gotta do--and I gotta shop! Hope the weather holds out for us.

Here's a site that everyone should have in their bookmarks/favorites: This is where you can find ALL of the recalls that have happened, of EVERYTHING. You have consumer goods, vehicles, medicine, food, cosmetics, etc. A place to go every once in awhile to make sure you don't have any of the lesser known products that have been recalled. Just another reason to be paranoid! :)

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Being In a Funk

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