Thursday, March 16, 2006

Happy St. Urho's Day

I want to wish everyone a very happy St. Urho's Day. Everyone is expected to wear green and purple today to honor St. Urho, the legendary patron saint of Finland. Eat lots of mojakka (beef and vegetable soup)--or kalamojakka (fish stew)--and nisu (cardamom sweet-bread) as part of your celebration! To those not familiar with this holiday, you can read more here.


  1. You have such a variety of knowledge. I'm impressed! I'd never heard of that! Oh yeah, JJ posted those pics for me cuz I couldn't figure it out. I figure if he sent them to me, he must not mind if the world sees. I also put his email addy's there. See what being nice can (sometimes) get ya!?!?

  2. It sure helps to be Finnish-American when it comes to knowing about a (made-up) patron saint of Finland! :)

  3. Whew! Glad to know that patron was made up. The fish thing, yuck.LOL

  4. My father ALWAYS told my mother that the proper way to make kalamojakka was to include the fish HEADS! She, also, is pure Finn, but she believed everything he told her. I don't believe it is true--at least, I HOPE it isn't! (I only had kalamojakka once or twice in my life--at a very early age when you were required to eat what was in front of you.) This is not one of my favorite Finnish foods.



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...