Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Got A Phone Call Today From C...

You just KNOW that it is going to be good when the post starts out like that! Anyway, C called to tell me that a woman came to her door this afternoon and asked if she lost a child! C was a bit confused and asked what she meant and the woman explained that she just saw a boy a couple of blocks over, playing with a group of boys, that looked like Marcus, who is 2. C thought that he was upstairs playing with the 3-year-old, but went to look--sure enough, he was gone. While C and her husband were unpacking some more boxes--they are ALMOST done!--Marcus had let himself out, through LOCKED doors, and found his way to the far neighbor's house to play. Of course, she had gotten him home by the time she called me and he was FURIOUS! Had a bit of a temper tantrum because he didn't want to be brought home. C is beside herself with not knowing what to do. There doesn't seem to be any lock that the kid can't open and there are only so many ways you can lock a door before it becomes a safety hazard, especially in case they would have to leave the house quickly! The first thing they have to do is buy the alarms that let you know the door was opened, but beyond that, they are at a loss. I feel for her, even though I DID place the Mother's Curse on her! :)

And from the WGAS file: Katie Couric started her gig as anchor of the CBS Evening News. First, does anyone REALLY care? Second, I think CBS will be scrambling to keep their ratings up. Just another reason I very rarely watch the evening news on ANY network.


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Don't you remember the slide bolts on the top of my doors in the Marq house? All outside doors and the basement--inside doors had the hook and eye up high-worked for us-just have to remember to engage them! J was a sleepwalker too! Had to laugh about the Mother's Curse-mine backfired and S got it! Love Ya!

  2. Yikes! Scary! I'm sure glad someone found him.. So many tragedies have happened that way.

    My oldest has never done that and I hope the youngest never does either. I'll bet she was beside herself...

  3. Red: And she said the scariest part of all was that they 'KNEW' he was upstairs playing with his sister the whole time! I only hope this causes her to think that having 'just one more' isn't a good idea! :)

    Yoopergirl: They are too worried about the other kids not being able to reach and open the door in case of emergency to use the slide bolts. And he already knows how to open the deadbolts. As for the hook and eye latches--they tried and he just pulls on the door until the latch comes out of the wall/doorframe. And he can do it! That kid is built solid and has a lot of power. Oh, well, he probably is built to play football. Can't do hockey: they don't allow 'enforcers' anymore! :D



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...