Thursday, September 04, 2008

Police Log

THIS is something I NEVER thought I would read here in the great white north:

--3:09 PM, iguana at large

That just brings too many great mental images for me to comment any further.


  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    OH, my God!! an iguana on the loose! Round up the children and small pets and lock the doors!!

    do they ever say how those things turn out?

  2. Anonymous11:19 PM

    NO WAY!! hahhahahahahaaaaaa

  3. The biggest problem with having the police logs published is the fact we NEVER hear how the story ends. I really think they should have a section of the paper that ONLY tells 'the rest of the story.' It would be a big hit with me, at least!

  4. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Maybe you could tell the paper that-I'm sure they'd like to know that some people actually pay attention to this stuff! Even if it's a once a month column updating the stories.

  5. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I wish there was a way to follow up with stories like this too! INSANITY Reigns!



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...