Monday, May 18, 2009

Shattered Illusions

The other day I was talking to the oldest. She was telling me how 'traumatizing' it was as a kid when she found my albums: Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Deep Purple... NEVER did she think that HER mother would listen to such stuff!!! I responded by saying, "I guess it's good that you never knew that I smoked weed." I think she fainted. :)

Shocked 4


  1. HA! You're terrible!

  2. As if she really thought I didn't have a life before she was born!!! :D

  3. LOL- I'm not telling my kids what I did! Although my mother is already giving me hell over the tattoo issue...

  4. You know, it wasn't as if I PLANNED on telling her--it just sort of came out. But you would think that someone who just celebrated the second anniversary of her 29th birthday would roll with things a little better. :D (And my mother hasn't really said much about my tattoos--however, I only see her about once a year, so... ;))



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...