Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Man, A Horse, And A Moose...

Actually, it should read 'A Car, An Ambulance, A Horse, and A Moose.' Here's the story:

About 50 miles from the town I live, a man was driving along early Sunday morning. A riderless horse ran out in front of his vehicle, which he struck and killed. When he hit the horse, it took out the windshield and crushed the roof of his car. He was taken to the local hospital and then transferred to the regional medical center in my town to treat his injuries. While he was being transferred to the larger hospital, the ambulance carrying him struck and killed a moose. The ambulance sustained some damage, but was able to complete the trip and no one was injured during the collision.

Now, you have got to wonder what this poor guy was thinking. It is bad enough to hit a horse, but to then be in an accident with a moose WHILE ON YOUR WAY TO THE HOSPITAL is just waaaay too much bad karma. He must have lost his lucky rabbit's foot on Saturday night!

(I am NOT making light of the guy's injuries--I sure hope he is doing fine. The article said he was in fair condition--nothing life-threatening at all.)

As a side note: Several minutes after the first vehicle hit the horse, a pickup truck came along and hit the horse a second time. The horse had been laying dead in the middle of the road. The truck then rolled over and came to rest on its side. Neither of the passengers were injured.

The series of accidents remain under investigation.


  1. Sounds like just another day in New Hampshire to me! ~ jb///

  2. Maybe nature is trying to tell them to stop driving!



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...