Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Here are some cool places I have been to lately:

--Interesting Tricks Of The Body
Some of these things I have heard of before, but they still are fascinating. I mean, really, how many people have known that if you scratch your ear you can stop the tickle in your throat? You can find that and 17 more tidbits on this site.

--Eight Crazy email Hoaxes Millions Have Fallen For
I have heard of at least half of these and have only fallen for one: the 'Bill Gates Wants to Give You Money' one. (Hey, I have a perfectly legitimate reason: I had just started online and emailing--after all, this WAS about ten years ago!) Anyway, it is a good read.

--Making Homemade Pop-Tarts
Pop-Tarts were never my favorite food--however, Toaster Strudels make my mouth water! And the recipe on this site looks closer to the Toaster Strudels than the Pop-Tarts, so this may be something worth trying. How cool would it be to give your kids homemade Pop-Tarts for a snack?

--Six-Word Memoirs
I really can see this as a meme: Using only six words, can you tell your story? On this site they have a bunch of readers' submissions to inspire you to write your own story. It is very fun--and frustrating--to try.


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I seem to get hoaxes and junk in batches. For a while there, people kept wanting to sell me Viagra cheap, then they apparently gave up n me. Lately, two different drug companies kept trying to get me to renew my prescription or something-I don't read the messages, and in the last couple of weeks I got a mail from a lawyer purporting to represent a "client" (never named) who died in a plane crash and I'm supposedly in the will. Yeah, right.

    Another is supposedly from Yahoo telling me I won some kind of random contest, and the contact person is a Sir somebodyorother in the UK, like I'm supposed to be impressed by the title and think it's legit.

    I'm glad it was impressed upon me at an early age that if something seems too good to be true, it usually is; and that there is no such thing as a free lunch. :-)

    That memoir thing is intriguing-I'll give it a shot sometime, I've bookmarked it. Thanks!

  2. Thankfully, most of my email accounts are now very good at sensing spam, so I don't even see it anymore. But, it DID take me a while when I first started online. Then again, it wasn't quite as pervasive as it is now--and there weren't as many warnings.

    I LOVE the six-word memoirs--I'm trying to come up with a good one!

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Toaster Strudel is THE BOMB I never liked Pop Tarts either!

    I am curious about the
    --Interesting Tricks Of The Body--
    Im definitely going to check that out.

  4. That is cool, Brenda. I'm still thinking about what my six words will be--and I WON'T use "Hockey, my passion. Wings, my obsession." :D



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...