Saturday, December 15, 2007

ANOTHER Award! {blushes}

Spreader of Love Award (200x240)

This blog has been awarded The Spreader of Love Award created by The Love Blog (, for an outstanding demonstration of blogging love.

Meleah has been so very kind enough to award me The Spreader of Love Award! Not only am I humbled and thrilled, I LIKE IT! (I HAVE mentioned how much of an attention whore I am, haven't I?) If you haven't ever visited Meleah's blog, do so--she has such a fascinating story to tell.

Now, who to pass this award to?

--burg--Burg is possibly the person who has been reading me the longest. She is the same age as my oldest and if I hadn't ever seen a picture of her, I might think she was one of my kids--we DEFINITELY are related in some way! :) She is a sweetheart who has been so kind and thoughtful throughout our friendship. You deserve this, burg!

--cindi--Cindi and I have 'known' each other for at least a year. She is another one of my readers who has shown concern and compassion whenever I have written one of my depressing posts. Thanks for the love, Cindi.

--sue--Sue is a more recent addition to my daily blog read. She is a 'farm wife' who also works at a job off of the farm. She is a wonderful writer and does it all: humor, introspection, rants... A very good read.

There you have it, three of my favorite people in the 'verse. Visit them and see if you don't agree.


  1. Thank you so much! I love you too!! Seriously, I've been in such a shitty mood today, this lifts my spirits in a huge way!

  2. Glad to help! :)

  3. Another blog of love. How wonderful to see my award here. Cheers to you for spreading love.

    B @ The Love Blog

  4. eyes watered up a bit just now! I just read your comment over at my place, came here and AWWWW! Thank you so much! Maybe I can dig myself out of these doldrums sooner than later.

  5. Barbara: I am definitely honored by this award. Thank you for starting it!

    Cindi: You'll be up and at 'em sooner rather than later, I'm sure. Remember, anything I can do, let me know--I'm always here to listen anytime.

  6. That award is too cute, Congrats!

  7. Thank you very much!

  8. Back at ya, my dear!

  9. O.M.G.! What a sweet thing you are! Geez, and here I haven't seen this and you posted it on the 15th??? Wow. Shows you what a bad blog-reader I've been! Thank you sooooo much! You just made my day!

  10. Well, you deserve it! :)



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...