Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Bit Of This, A Bit Of That

After the game last night--more about that later--I just couldn't get myself together enough to post today's celebrations, so here they are:

National Fig Newton Day
Appreciate A Dragon Day
Nothing Day


And, in case I don't get around to it later, here are the celebrations for 17 January:

Pig Day
Customer Service Day
Judgment Day
Get To Know Your Customers Day


The game last night--what can I say. They lost, again. And it isn't so much that they lost, it is the way they played! It was very, very painful to watch--NOTHING was going right. Too short and too long passes, give-aways, you name it--Ozzie was replaced by Hasek in the second after giving up four goals in 17 shots! You know it HAS to be bad if they bring Dom in without warming up--he DOES have a very sensitive groin, after all. (Can you believe discussing someone's groin in public? :D) Anyway, the third loss in a row--even though they don't count the shoot-out as a loss, it WAS a loss nonetheless. Maybe they need the All-Star break to get their shit together and get back to the way they were playing the first half. Not something to be THAT concerned about, but WHY are they playing WORSE after EVERYONE has come back from injuries? Doesn't make any sense at all. Oh, well, on to Thursday and the Canucks.


C and the baby are doing well. The girl amazes me and puts me to shame. Not only does she have six kids and a household, but she has started taking classes again. She also is the treasurer/secretary for their church AND the go-to person for setting up pot lucks, etc. She and her husband ARE the mission committee and, I'm sure, have their fingers in a couple of other things there. She is on the parents' council for their pre-school and sets up fund raisers, etc, for their elementary school. I KNOW I am forgetting some more things, but that is enough to make me tired just hearing about it! I REALLY don't know when she has time to sleep.


We have an arctic blast coming at us and by the weekend our HIGHS should be in the single digits. Add to that the high winds and we will be looking at wind chills in the -20s, I'm sure. It will be a real good time to stay indoors.


I didn't want this to be an 'oh, woe is me' post, so I left this till the last. I just want to ask for everyone's good thoughts/prayers for tomorrow morning. I got a call from my GYN's office and I have to have more views of my right breast. I guess there is a dense mass and they need to look at it closer, so that is why I need to go in. It seems as if this was there already last year--something I was NEVER told, by the way--and it is a bit bigger this year, so... Of course, the nurse gave me the whole 'it probably is nothing, we just need to be sure' speech and while I KNOW that probably is the case, it's still a scary situation. I will know a bit more right away tomorrow, so that is good. Anyway, good thoughts will be much appreciated and I will have more to say about this tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Judgment Day?

    what are we supposed to go around Judging people all day? Hmm....

  2. I wish the site where I find these had a little more information--it would be interesting!

  3. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I am very curios.

    I think it might be fun (for one day) to JUDGE everyone and everything and then walk around with a G-D Complex.

  4. LOL...However, I grew up with TOO many people who have a God complex and DO judge everyone--oh, the family horror stories I could tell--so I have really tried to make an effort and NOT judge people. While I do well enough, I COULD do better. :)

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    we're getting that same blast of arctic air this weekend. When did they stop calling it the Siberian Express? is it not PC anymore?

  6. That is too, too funny, janet! Yeah, I just watched the local weather and they said we might not get out of the below zero readings this weekend and into next week. YIKES!! Well, the snow might slow down when it gets cold--maybe. :D



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...