Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day 6 Post-op

I had an appointment with my eye doc today and all is going well. Everything is healing/healed already and I have 20/20 vision. (The left eye might even be on the verge of 20/15!) The right eye has a touch of astigmatism, but that should actually fix itself over the next couple of months. He doesn't feel as if I will need enhancement surgery--thank goodness. I was taken off of one eye drop and I will be off of the steroid in a week. He wants me to use the Restasis for at least three months and I can use the artificial tears whenever I want for as long as I want. All that is needed from now on is for my brain to adjust to my new sight. He almost did cartwheels he was so impressed with my progress. I guess the surgery worked. :)


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    that is terrific news

  2. Yeah, I thought so. :D

  3. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Are you going to throw away your glasses/contacts?

    This is fantastic! I can't believe half of the things they do these days. I'm not going to have Lasik though, I just can't stand the thought of someone touching my eyeballs.

  4. Yeah, the glasses are history. Even if I would need to have them again, the prescription should NEVER be as strong as what I was wearing. It IS amazing.

    I was so surprised at how many people wouldn't even think of doing the LASIK because they couldn't stand having anything around their eyes. (My dermatologist was one that said that.) K is another one who can't stand his eyes being touched. You wouldn't believe the trouble I have with trying to put Visine in his eyes whenever needed! It never has been a problem for me--I used to wear HARD contacts, so I learned early on how to do things around the eyes.

  5. Amazing. Congratulations!



Being In a Funk

I'm still having a bit of a funk going on in my life. To be expected, I guess. But, it REALLY is affecting me to see my best friend ...